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Division of Transportation Contracts
Heath Department Contracts
Facilities Consultant Pool
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Lake County Purchasing
Lake County Purchasing's Blogs
15078 Utility Billing Service Provider
Bid #15176 Hydraulic and Dump Body Systems for two trucks
15200 Straight Poly Torsion Trip Snow Plows
Bid 15218 Snow Plow Cover Blades, Carbide Blades, and Plow Shoes for DOT
15031 Chevy Chase Watermain Replacement
15244 Service Body for Public Works
15236 Temporary Employment Service for Lake County
RFP 15235 DOT Operations Assessment
Bid 15239 Microfilm Services
Bid 15273 Circuit Clerk's File Storage
15237 Healthcare Consullting and Audit services
RFP #15277 Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act WIOA Youth Programs
SOI 15280 Engineer Service for PW
Bid 16010 Underground Utility Locating Service for LC DOT
Bid 15281 Maintenance Building Renovation Project
SCADA Historian Dashboard and Reporting Software
Bid #16089 Collision Repairs for LCDOT
RFP 16068 Inmate and Juvenile Healthcare Services
Bid 16100 Tree Removal and Tree Trimming Services for DOT
RFP 16101 SCADA Software Implementation
rfp 16054 Cafe Vending Services Commissary
RFI 16111 Replacement of Fleet Management Software System
RFP 16069 Courtroom Tech and Misc AV
16122 Biosolids Management Program
Bid 15242 Live Scan Fingerprinitng System
15259 Payment Service for Utility Bills for LCPW
16002 Mainframe Storage Area Network Upgrade
Bid 16108 Asphalt Patching and Seal Coating
RFI 16141 Replacement of Automatic Vehicle Locating System
Bid 16158 Well Abandonment
RFP 16167 DB2 VM Database Admin and Z VM System Programming Support
Bid 16159 Grandwood Park Bridlewood Reservoir Improvements
16172 Water and Sewer Emergency Response Vehicle
16163 Brooks Farm Water Tower
15128 RFP for Electronic Pollbooks
Bid #15024 Wing Plows for Snow Plow Trucks for DOT
15117 IT Network Equipment
Bid 16164 Countryside Lake Water Tower
RFP 16193 Payroll and Human Resources Operations Assessment
Bid 16196 AED's
16181 Global Positioning System/Automatic Vehicle Location Equipment and Services
Bid 16189 Vernon Hills NCT WRF
SOI 16233 Northwest Lake FPA Regional System Review
Bid 16220 GC for Lake County
RFP 17001 DIgital Orthoimagery for LC
RFP 17004 Employee Assistance Program for Lake County
Bid 17005 PW Administration Building Interior Remodel Project
15255 Trash Pump for Lake County Public Works
RFP 16183 Group Term, Optional LIfe and Long Term Care Insurance
Bid 16198 East Main Force Main
16214 East Main Pump Station Improvements
RFP 16255 Staff Augmentation Services for System Programming and Computer Operations
SOI Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure Assessment
Bid #17003 Wing Plows for LCDOT
17-3191506-PW - Des Plaines Watershed Plan Request for Consultant Assistance
17013 Vernon Hills NCT WRF Phase 2 2017 Improvements
Bid 17096 Employee Vaccination Services
Bid 17107 Well Pump Maintenance adn Repair Services
15162 Sign Inventory and Management System for DOT
Bid 16007 Microfilm Services
16058 Refuse Collection Services
16123 Herbicide Application to RIght of Way for the Lake County Division of Transportation
SOI 16145 Professional Land Survey Services for the Chief County Assessment Office
Countryside Manor Water Tower Replacement
RFP 17012 Psych Services for Lake County
SOI 17095 Vernon Hills Water System MCC Elec Rehab
17016 One Stop Operator
Request for Quotation-Residential Appraisal
RFP 17031 Strategic Facility Planning
17024 Electricity for Lake County
Bid 17140 Bid Forensic Equipment for Lake County
Bid 17148 Depke Paving Improvements
Bid 17160 Sand, Gravel and Spoil Removal
RFQ 15261 HVAC Preventative Maintenance for LCPW
RFP #15027 Consolidation Study for ETSB
16001 Hydraulic Pump for Snow Plow Trucks for DOT
Bid #16187 Water Well Closure and Abandonment Project for LCPW
RFP 16242 LCCHE Courtroom Tech and Misc AV Systems
17173 Professional Audit Services
Bid 17176 Biosolids Management Program
Bid 17133 Lake County Court Folders
17188 Self-Contained Skid Mounted Vacuum Tank for LCPW
17196 2017 Public Works Painting Projects
18008 Utility Billing System for PW
Bid 15116 Calcium Nitrate for Public Works
RFP 15206 Consultant for Land Management System Implementation
17057 Fleet Management Software
Bid 17182 Replacement OEM Pumps and Parts for LCPW
17194 Rebid of ICPMS for LCPW
RFP 17112 Offsite Record Storage
RFP 17209 Integrated Case Management
Healthcare Benefits Consulting Services for Lake County
Retirement Benefits Plan
Workforce InnovationOpportunity Act Youth Programs for Lake County
18003 SOI for A&E Winchester House Demolition
Bid 18036 2018 Digital Orthoimagery Bid
One-Stop Operator for Illinois Local Workforce Development
RFP General Engineering Services
18059 Project Manager HRIS
18013 Sheriff Uniforms Addendum 1
18054 Fire Hydrant Preparation and Painting
18062 System Programming Services for IT
Consultant Facilitator to facilitate the strategic planning process
RFP 18132 Purchase of a Wet Chemistry AutoAnalyzer
Bid #16062 - Arden Shores Esates Replacement Project
Jeep Dodge and Chrysler OEM Parts and Service Repair
Preliminary Engineering Report for Solar Power at the Mill Creek WRF
RFP 17094 Review of ICMS RFP
18000 Hydraulic Pump and Wing Plows for Snow Plow Trucks for LCDOT
18049 Mill Creek Clarifier Work
RFP 18004 Housekeeping and Janitorial
Bid #18061Sodium Hypochlorite for LCPW
18104 Removal and Installation of the Salt Dome for DOT
MHC Facilitation
18111 Copy Paper
Addendum #1 18134 inmate food and county cafe
18138 Entry Screening Security
Bid #18142 Valve Actuators
18126 Snow Plowing
Bid #19007 Uniforms, Clothing, and Accessories for Various Lake County Depts
Bid 17000 Hydraulic Pump and Flail Mowers for LCDOT
Bid 17113 Police Vehicle Accessories
Bid 17147 Elevator Modernization for Lake County
18019 Specialized UCMR4 (Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation) Testing of Drinking Water
Addendum #1 18002 Sheriff E Citation
Bid 18035 Lincoln Well House
WEllness Program Service Provider
Lake County Compensation Study
Replacement of Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System
17089 Pharmacy Benefit Manager Service
17098 Sustainability Consulting for Lake County
17195 Payroll Services Provider for Lake County
18018 Lake County Hyland Onbase Software Maintenance
18052 Project Manager ICMS
18103 GC Services Depke Roof RTU
18195 Audit of Contract Deliverables for E-Filing
RFQ #19016 - Executive Recruitment for the County Administrator
Bid Ammunition for Lake County Sheriff's Office
Bid #19062 Vernon Hills Water System
RFI Publication Assessments
RFP 17219 FAS Ops Assessment addendum 1
17223 Mill Creek WRF Electrical and Process Improvement
Lease of County Property for Farming Crops
RFP 18067 Inmate Phone and Video
SOI 18089 Facility Ops
18184 Court Annex Renovation
18188 Public Safety Building
Third Party Administration (TPA) for Workers Compensation and Liability Claims
SOI #19023 Professional Consulting Surveying and Eng Services for LCPW
RFP #19038 Auctioneer Services for Lake County
Plan Administration and Recordkeeping Services for the Lake County Supplemental Deferred Compensatio
RFP #19072 Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measure Solution
Bid #19096 Chemicals for Public Works
19112 Commissary Services for Lake County Jail
Bid 18129 2018 Public Works Painting Project
18065 Fire Hydrant Parts
Lake County Organizational Development Consultant
Bid #19158 Sheriffs Office Training Room
Bid 18140 Fuel Island Repair
Addendum #1 18193 Fac-Con Op Assessment
RFP #19028 Record Digitization Services
Lake County Years of Service Program
Bid #19116 Replacement Figester Blower for Public Works
Bid #19132 Lake County Jail in Waukegan Babcox Mechanical Infrastructure Projects
Lake County Student Repayment Program
Bid #19181 2019 Public Works Painting Projects
SOI #19024 A/E Design Services for the Crisis Wellness Drop-Off Center Study
BId #19019 Sand, Gravel, Stone and Spoil Removal
Testing Services for Lake County Sheriffs Merit Commission
Armored Car Services
Bid #19147 Inspection of Odor Control Units
Bid #19166 - Abestos Abatement for Lake County
19174 Bullet Trap Maintenance for LCSO Training Range
Bid #19156 Ford OEM Repair Parts for DOT
Solar Power for Lake County and Municipalities: A Joint Solar Procurement Opportunity
19075 Job Ordering Contracting for Lake County
Bid #19177 - HVAC Installation for LCPW
Bid #19183 - Furnish and Install Fencing at LCPW
Bid #18143 Electical Construction for Depke Fire Alarm and Door Control Replacements
RFI 19037 Odometer Reading Application
SOI #20022 Design and Implementation of SCADA
20026 Pre-Employment Physicals and Employee Vaccinations
Bid #20023 - Pump Bid for LCPW
19119consultant to draft and support rfp for shared CAD RMS and JMS
20017 Adult Residential Substance Use Treatment
RFP #20027 Integrated CAD, RMS, JMS, and Mobile system(s)
Bid #20069 Parking Garage Repair and Rehabilitation
RFP #20062 - Procurement Card Services for LC
19149 Asphalt Patching and Seal Coating
Bid #19182 - Watermain Leak Detection Services
Bid #20000 Ford OEM Parts
20006 Furniture Design, Installation and Value Added Services for LC
RFP #20015 Adaptive Traffic Signal Control for DOT
SOI #20021 Dewatering and Polymer Delivery System
20067 EPICS II Training
Bid # 20030 - Hawthorn Water Tower Rehabilitation
Bid #20090 Midland Force Main
Bid #20101 Snow Plows for DOT
20013 Prime Food - Dairy for Depke / Hulse
RFP # 19157 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Administrator Services for Lake County
Bid #20024 Greggs Landing
Bid #20063 Police Vehicle Accessories and Outfitting for LCSO
SOI #20146 for NCT Bar Screen Replacement
19190 WIOA Youth Program
20064 Jail Inmate & Juvenile Healthcare Services
RFP#202005BP - RFP Ravine and Streambank Site Restoration 9950 and 9968 Marguerite Lane in Beach Par
20100 Lake County Vending Services
Bid #20123 Lakes Region Painting Bid
BId #20147 Replacement OEM Moyno Pump for Lake County Public Works
BId #20152 Portable Generators for LCPW
RFI #20153 - Integrated Transportation Planning, Programming and Tracking Database
Bid #20174 - HVAC for LCPW and the City of Waukegan
BId #20158 - Sand, Gravel, Stone and Spoil Removal Services
RFP #20008 - Computerized Maintenance Management System
Bid #20151 Oak Terrace Water System
BId #20177 - Brooks Water Tower Rehabilitation
BID 11.19.2020 - Bid Description
BID 1NBWWRFQ111920 - Bid Description
Bid #20196 - SEC Des Plaines River Siphon and Chamber Lining
RFP #21001 Vernon Hills West Pump Station Force Main Analysis
21019 Inmate Phone, Tablet, Bail and Video for Lake County Sheriff
Bid #21004 - Rollins/Wilson Junction Chamber Rehabilitation
BId #21025 - Pekara Watermain Lining Phase 1and Walmart FIre Loop
20068 Jail Inmate Clothing and Supplies
Bid #20184 - Electrical Parts, Tech Support and Discount for LCPW
Bid #21003 - Calcium Nitrate for Public Works
Executive Recruitment and Employee Leasing for Lake County
BId #20194 - Hawthorn Hills Square Watermain Replacement
insurance broker services for Lake County 21041
RFP #21084 - Residential Waste Collection Services
Bid #21090 - Winchester House Demo and Site Restoration
RFP #21103 - Utility Billilng System for LCPW
vision services for Lake County
20156 Workforce Development Board Strategic Marketing & Communication Plan
BId #21043 - Route 83 Force Main Realignment
RFP #21118 - Integrated Capital Program Management System
21141Lake County Dental Plan Insurance RFP
Bid #21122 - Vernon Hills NCT & Des Plaines River WRF Screening Improvement
21184voting machine RFP Lake County Clerk
Bid #22013 - Baker Road Water Main Replacement
Bid #21018 - Printing Services for Utility Bills for Lake County Public Works
21073 Refuse Collections Services for Lake County
Bid #21069 Natural Gas Transportation & Management Services
BID #21171 PSA Coroners Body Removal and Transportation Services
Bid #22003 Promotional Assessment Evaluator
22007 Ammunition for Lake County Sheriff's Office
Bid #22016 Video Encoder for LCDOT
RFP #22029 - Internal Controls Audit
Bid #22028 - Linden Lane Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
Bid #22039 - Sheriffs Shooting Pad Replacement
preemployement physicals and vaccination services for Lake County
Audit Services for Lake County RFP 22053
Bid #22098 - North Libertyville Estates Levee Relief Well #1
FMLA Administration Services for Lake County
RFP #22162 - Offsite Record Storage for Lake County
Bid #21000 - Underground Utility Locating Service
22015 Operations and Organiational Assessment for the LCSO
Bid #22018 - Sunset Drive Sanitary Sewer Replacement
22034 Promotional Assessments for the Lake County Sheriff's Office
22046 Behavioral Health Services for Lake County
BId #22050 - BIosolids Management Program for LCPW
Bid #22061 - Sheriffs CBCC and Adult Detention Roof Replacement
Bid #23007 - Depke Emergency Generator and Main Switchboard Replacement
Applicant Tracking and Recruitment System
Bid #22008 - 2022 Watermain Replacement Project - Oak Terrace Water System & Oakwood Road Watermain
Bid #22021 - North Libertyville Estates Levee Relief Well #1 Replacement
Bid #22005 - Park West Utility Separation Project
Bid #22051 - Park West Sewer Lining Project
Bid #22093 - Replacement of Media for LCPW Odor Control Units
22113 Circuit Court Clerk & 19th Judicial Probation Services Court File Folders
SOI #22123 - Professional Project Management for the Regional Operations & Communications (ROC)
RFP #22140 Strategic Communication Plan for the Lake County Workforce Development & Job Center
Bid #23021 - General Contractor Services for the ROC
Bid #21121 - Des Plaines Rivere Water Reclamation Facility Phase 1
Bid #22083 - Roof Replacements Petite-Rollins Pump Station and Mill Creek WRF
23018 Strategic Outreach & Communication Plan for LCWFD Board
Bid #23033 - ROC Facility Radio Tower Construction
23032 Broadband Consultant
SOI #23057 - PV Array for the ROC
Bid #23053 - 2023 Wildwood Water Main Replacement
Bid #23071 - Water Service Line Excavation for Lead Service Inventory
Bid #21132 2021 Force Main Replacement
Bid #21167 - Oak Terrace Water System New Water Supply Well and Testing
Bid 23003 Repair and Maintenance of Dry Bulk Storage Tanks for Lake County Public Works
Bid #23002 - White Deer Run Reservoir
Bid #23052 - Janitorial and Housekeeping Service
Bid #23026 - Saunders Road Forcemain Improvements
23084 Lake County Entry Screening & Security Services
23082 Lake County Jail Inmate Food Services
Bid #23088 - Radio Tower Construction for the ROC
Bid #23091 - Repair & Maintenance of Dry Bulk Storage Tanks for LCPW
RFP #23094 Mental Health Care Coordination Services for the Regional Office of Education
23125 Zebra Printers and Accessories
Bid #23133 - 2023 Lake County Public Works Painting Projects
Bid #23139 - PW Maintenance Facility Paving Improvements
23142 Food Services for Lake County Cafe & Coffee Kiosk
23167 Records Management System for the County Clerk and Recorders Division
Bid #23174 - Purchase of Gravel, Sand and Spoil Removal Services
Bid #23141 - Mill Creek WRF UV Disinfection Replacement
24215 Compensation Study for Lake County
Bid #24227 - Oak Terrace Well House Interconnect and System Improvements
Bid #24245 - Water Tower Exterior Cleaning
Bid #24280 - Fuel Island
Bid #22066 - Well Pump Maintenance and Repair Services for LCPW
24296 Commissary Services for Lake County Adult Correction Center
24308 Digital Navigators Program for Lake County
Bid #24238 - Water and Sewer Main Repair Parts
Bid #22014 - Purchase of Sand, Gravel, Stone and Spoil Removal Services
22009 RFP Behavioral Health Services
Bid #22125 - Professional Engineering Services for LCPW for Project and Construction Management
SOI #23000 - Professional Project Mangement for the Depke Renovation Improvement
Bid #23034 - Northwest Remote Sites SCADA Network Project
BID#23157 Specialty Paper for Lake COunty
SOI#24216 - Professional Eng Services for General and Application Eng
Bid #24219 - Grandwood Park Water Main Improvement
Bid #24220 - Countryside Manor WM Improvements
24243 TPA for Workers Compensation and Liability Claims
24243 Workers Compensation and Liability Claims
Bid #24288 - Purchase of Chemicals for LCPW
Bid #24310 - Asbestos Abatement for Lake County Administrative and Courts Complex
ADA Transition 24242
24343 - Painting for Mill Creek Dewatering Building #70
RFP #24351 Urban and Community Forestry Planning Consultation
Bid #24353 - Highland Lake Water System Phase 2 Water Main Extension
Bid #24352 - Highland Lake Water System Phase 2 New Water Supply Well Drilling and Testing
Bid #22118 - Household Chemical Waste Collection Services
SOI #22128 - Water Facilities Analysis, Design and Construction Oversight
23073 Food Services for Lake County Café and Coffee Kiosk
Bid #23097 - Multiple Step Bid Phase II - Purchase of Photovoltaic Array (PV) for the ROC
23121 Purchase of Six (6) Vehicles
RFP 23124 Federal and State Legislative Consulting Services for Lake County
Bid #23041 - Gages Lake Road Elevated Tank
23104 Indirect Cost Allocation Study
Bid #23159 - Job Order Contracting for Lake County
SOI 23173 Professional Engineering Services for Waste Water Reclamation Facilities
RFP #24213 - Lake County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Modernization Initiative
Bid #24210 - Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Improvements
RFP #24271 - Accounting Service
Bid #24264 - Rollins Road Bubbler Replacement
Bid #24211 - Pekara Buffalo Grove Lake Michigan Water Interconnect
RFP #24295 - Project Oversight Services for Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning
test 123456
24305 Native Tree Initiative
Bid #24262 - Lawncare & Landscape Services
Transition Consultant 24242
RFP #24346 - Payroll Consulting Services
24364 Campaign for the Digital Growth Initiative
Bid #23049 - Admin Tower North Building Entrance Improvements
23087 Uniforms, Bulletproof Vests, & Carriers for the LCSO
Bid #23001 - Highland Lake Water System Phase 1 Improvements
Bid #24253 - Auomotive Oils, Lubricants, Anti-Freeze and Oil Analysis
24305 - Native Tree Initiative
Bid #24341 - Depke Juvenile Facility Renovation
RFP #24374 - Biochemical Oxygen Demand Analyzer for LCPW
RFP #24375 - Total Organic Carbon & Total Nitrogen Analyzer for LCPW