Addendum BID 22-0114-SMC
For Addendum #1: Scroll past Addendum #2 content or go to Bid Posting and click Documents Tab for downloadable documents.
- Is there a grading plan for 14918 W. Russell Road, Zion
ANSWER: Yes, Go to Bid Posting,select Documents Tab, then Select Addendum #2
- Are the demolition permit issued through the county office or are the demolition issued through the village the house is located?
ANSWER: Demolition permits are issued through Lake County Planning, Building & Development for unincorporated Lake County properties:
39873 N. Rena, Antioch
14918 W. Russell Rd., Zion
Demolition permits for properties in Highland Park are issued through the City of Highland Park.
1313 Division Street, Highland Park
2016 Westgate Terrace, Highland Park
1) Installation of soil erosion and sediment control (incl. silt fence) – Is silt fence required at the entire perimeter of the property, or is it only required where soil erosion can leave the property? Yes, Silt fence is required for perimeter of property.
2)Are additional measures anticipated beyond silt fence and any necessary construction entrances?
Any additional measures are not anticipated, however, if a circumstance warrants additional SESC measure, the SMC Project Manager or Chief Engineer will provide further guidance, as necessary. Residential driveways may be used for construction entrance unless otherwise ordered by SMC Project Manager or Chief Engineer.
3)Removal of necessary utilities - Will LCSWM be coordinating and obtaining the termination letters from the respective utility companies for removal with the demolition? The contractor is responsible for coordinating and obtaining all permits, termination letters, and/or approvals for all utility disconnects.
4)Removal of trees and incidental brush materials – Are all trees and brush on the properties being removed, or only what is needed for demolition and removal ?
Removal of trees/ incidental brush material is required only for those that interfere with the demolition of structures etc..
5)Topsoil placement & seeding – Please clarify depth and seed type.
See below change to BID
GRADING/FINAL SITE RESTORATION: The restoration will include site grading to match adjacent grades and to achieve positive drainage, including placement of uncontaminated soil fill where necessary, topsoil placement and seeding, and placement of erosion control blanket.
Limits of the excavation shall be filled with clean, uncontaminated soil fill to within six (6) inches of the final grade. The fill will be free of glass, metals, wood, and other such material and must be approved by the Engineer prior to placing. Fill sections will be placed in 12-inch lifts and compacted to 80% Standard Proctor. The Fill operation must be approved by the Engineer prior to placing topsoil. Grading should be performed to promote positive drainage and to match adjacent grades with consultation and approval by SMC Engineer.
All disturbed areas are to be restored with topsoil at least 6-inches in depth. Topsoil shall be prepared for seeding that is free from all weeds, clods, stones, roots, sticks, rivulets, gullies, crusting, and caking. All soil particles shall be less than two inches (2”) in the largest dimension.
All disturbed areas are to be seeded with a mixture of IDOT Class IB, Low Maintenance Lawn Mix at 200 pounds per acre (lbs./acre) with a cover crop of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) at 200 pounds per acre (lbs./acre).
Seeding shall be sown in one continuous operation. Seeding will be weather dependent and will be determined through written correspondence between the Engineer and the Contractor.
Dewatering during construction shall be incidental to demolition.
The Contractor must receive written notification from the SMC Project Manager, and participate in a joint inspection for each lot individually with the SMC Project Manager and SMC Engineer prior to beginning work. The contractor shall not begin work on this bid item until written authorization is provided by the Engineer and upon completion of the Pre-Demolition Checklist which is part of these contract documents.
Site safety is the responsibility of the Contractor and is incidental to the construction work. The site shall be left in a safe manner at the end of each workday. The Project Manager, in coordination with the Contractor, will determine if construction fencing shall be placed. Access to the site should be prohibited at the end of each workday.
Within 24 hours from the time seeding has been performed, Erosion Control Blanket NAG S75 BN or SMC approved equivalent shall be installed per the manufacturer’s instructions over the seeded areas. The installation shall include twenty-five (25) feet of operating room around all demolition homes, appurtenant structures, driveways and access routes. All areas outside of this operating area shall be considered “additional” site restoration. Work outside of this area shall not be performed without the written consent form the SMC Project Manager.