Lake County Addendum Forum

Addendum Blog 20220624SMCDCEO Knollwood Project

Project Blog

QUESTION 1: There is a line item for furnished excavation 3830 cy. Can I use Asphalt Grindings here?

RESPONSE 1: Recycled asphalt pavement is allowed but is considered "restricted-use material".  IDOT Specifications would be used to quantify placement and measurements requirements.


QUESTION 2: I am looking at the phasing plan. I would want to combine the segments in each phase.  say phase one as a complete area all work in phase one complete before moving to say phase 2.  

RESPONSE 2: Alternate phasing plans would be considered but would be subject to evaluation by the Owner and Engineer prior to the start of construction.


QUESTION 3: Item #20 aggregate subgrade imp 475 cy is that a remove and replace with granular?

RESPONSE 3: Aggregate Subgrade Improvements will follow the IDOT requirements listed in Section 1005.  Removal is not included with this pay item.


QUESTION 4: Can we use recycled Concrete for the aggregates as long as its IDOT approved?

RESPONSE 4: The use of crushed concrete, meeting IDOT certifications, may be considered for the design gradations for non-porous pavement and sidewalk stone base, structural fill, and trench backfill.

Crushed concrete will not be permitted to be used for underdrain trench or porous fill conditions.


QUESTION 5: Is the Percentage of MBE/WBE based on the total value of the Project or just the total value of the funding?

RESPONSE 5: The total value of the project is subject to the Percentage of MBE/WBE for the funding.


QUESTION 6: Item 30300112 Aggregate Subgrade 12”- Is crushed concrete allowed for the CS01 Aggregate?  Can this material be blended with Asphalt per IDOT Specification see attached?

RESPONSE 6: The use of crushed concrete, meeting IDOT certifications, may be considered for the design gradations for non-porous pavement and sidewalk stone base, structural fill, and trench backfill.


QUESTION 7: Item 20700110 Porous Granular Embankment is IDOT CS01 Crushed concrete allowed for material under this pay item?   Same as above is blended allowed.

RESPONSE 7: Crushed concrete will not be permitted to be used for underdrain trench or porous fill conditions.


QUESTION 8: Item 20400800 Furnished Excavation- Is there an embankment specification type associated with this pay item?  Would Recycled asphalt CA-6 gradation be acceptable?  If asphalt is not allowed would other granular material be accepted?

RESPONSE 8: Recycled asphalt pavement is allowed but is considered "restricted-use material".  IDOT Specifications would be used to quantify placement and measurements requirements.


QUESTION 9: Item X4023000 Temporary Access Road 1 EA- Can the length be clarified for how much temp roadway we are responsible for building with this item?

RESPONSE 9: This pay item is based on the contractor’s means and methods during the phasing of the construction and would only apply if conditions would prohibit the opening of the road within the pavement limits at the end of the working day.  As such, it is paid only under the circumstances where a temporary access road would be required for residents to get to their homes.


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