Company: Alexander Chemical Corporation, A Carus Company
Number: 19096
Title: Purchase of Chemicals for the Treatment of Wastewater and Drinking Water
Awarded Amount: $29,000.00
Contract Type: Goods & Equipment
Initial Start Date: 7/9/2019
Initial End Date: 7/8/2021
Extensions Available:
Current Extension Exercised: Yes
Expiration Date of Current Extension: 7/8/2024
Contract Document(s): Award of Bid Item 2
Vendor Renewal 2021-2022
Price Increase
Price Increase - 4.1.22
Vendor Renewal 2022-2023
Price Increase 7.27.22
Price Increase 10.6.22
Price Increase 5.10.23
Vendor Renewal 23-24
Vendor Disclosure Form 23-24
Price Increase Letter 8.1.23